Touch Pong

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  1. Touch Bar Pong
  2. Touch Of Modern Pong
  3. Touch Pong Free Download
  4. Touch Pong Board
  5. Touch Pong Ball
  6. Touch Pony

Those who are regular watchers of the sport of ping pong (which is also known as table tennis in different parts of the world), might have often seen players touch the table during play and wondered why. Here we try to explain what is the rationale behind why table tennis players do that.

A note to kick things off, we will use the words ping pong and table tennis intermittently throughout this article – it means the same.

So, first things first, is it legal to touch the ping pong table during a match?

During a rally, it’s not legal touch the table with the non-racquet hand but once the point is won or lost, players are legally allowed to do so. Now that is out of the way, let’s look at the reasons why.

Touch Bar Pong

Why do ping pong players touching the table during the game?

There are two aspects to this. One, there are players whom you might have seen touch the table with their fingers-tips, while there are others who touch the entire palms.

Let’s get started with the simpler explanation; i.e. those touching the table tennis table with their finger-tips. This is usually done by players to get a fair idea about their distance from the table before serving or receiving the serve.

This might not sound very obvious, but it’s more a muscle memory thing, a habit to try and get into the most perfect position before serving or returning serve. This is usually an arm’s length for most but some players might have other preferences too.

What about the other one, touching the table tennis with one’s palms. That has a few lines of explanations and different ping pong players might answer differently about it.

Touch Of Modern Pong

Touch Pong

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Wiping the Sweat off the Hands

Table tennis players, like most other sportspeople, sweat a lot but unlike tennis players aren’t allowed to use towels after every point. They can use towels once every six points only.

So what does a player do when they sweat? Given the pace of a game of ping pong, they don’t want their rackets slipping from their hands obviously now, do they?

Wiping the sweat off their hands is one reason why table tennis players rub their hands on it. However, there’s one catch here, you don’t want to be rubbing your palms close to where the ball usually would bounce on the table. After all, what’s the point of drying your hands off only for the sweat to be transferred to the table and then from there on to the ball?

This is why ping pong players usually wipe their palms off close to the table tennis net, in areas where the ball might not often bounce.

Few Seconds of Breathing Space

It’s a way to catch one’s breath after a long rally too. If you haven’t played ping pong or are trying to compare it with some of the outdoor sports and think it’s not as adrenaline-pumping or pulse-racing as some of the others, you might have to think again if you look at some of the rallies below.

An accumulation of such rallies does lead to a need to get the pulse-rate steady again for the players – and not just for the fans alone! – and those few extra seconds of walking up to that spot close to the net and wiping one’s palm off on the table might help catch one’s breath back.

Also Read:


Sometimes players across sports, not just restricted to ping pong, might want to slow the game down a bit or adjust it to the pace they like. This usually happens when the opponent is on a bit of a roll, clinching successive points and one wants to attempt making a comeback by breaking the opponent’s rhythm.

The process of walking towards the net, wiping hands off and then walking back to one’s mark to serve or receive could distract a less experienced player who looks to have gotten an upper hand in that phase of the game.


Sportspeople and rituals go hand in hand from the beginning of time. For a tennis fan like me, every time someone talks about sportsmen and superstitions, I am reminded of Rafael Nadal and his long-drawn ritual before the start of every serve (read more here).

Some sportspeople carry red handkerchief in their pockets, others celebrate goals in a certain manner, few don’t touch lines draw on the field with their feet – the list is endless.

For some of the table tennis players, touching the table with their palm is a part of their ritual before every point or so. It’s so ingrained into the process for some of the ping pong players, they might not even realise they are doing it.

Missing out on that ritual or superstition could lead to the table tennis player getting put off their game at times, so it forms that little, but vital part of their game.

Official Rules of Table Tennis

We’ve summarized the essential ping pong rules from USA Table Tennis right here to help you settle those garage or office disputes. This list is not exhaustive, but we have found that these ones are common points of contention among many players. Whether you call it ping pong, table tennis, or whiff whaff, these official table tennis rules should help you keep things straight.


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A Game is played to 11 points. A Game must be won by two points. A Match is generally the best three of five Games.


Each side of the table alternates serving two points at a time. EXCEPTION: After tied 10-10 (“deuce”), service alternates at every point. Can you lose on a serve in ping pong? Yes! There is no separate rule for serving on Game Point.


How do you serve the ball in ping pong? Hold the ball in your open palm, behind your end of the table. Toss at least 6” straight up, and strike it on the way down. It must hit your side of the table and then the other side. NOTE: Once the ball leaves the server’s hand it is in play, and so counts as the receiver’s point if the ball is missed or mis-hit.


There is no restriction on where the ball lands on your side or your opponent’s side of the table. It can bounce two or more times on your opponent’s side (if so, that’s your point), bounce over the side, or even hit the edge.


The serve must bounce in the server’s right court, and receiver’s right court (NOTE: landing on center line is fair). Doubles partners switch places after their team serves twice.


Can the ball hit the net in ping pong? Yes, during a RALLY, if it touches the top of the net and then otherwise lands as a legitimate hit. BUT not when serving. If a served ball hits the net on the way over and otherwise legally bounces in play, it’s a “let” serve and is done over. There is no limit on how many times this can happen.



Doubles partners must alternate hitting balls in a rally, no matter where the ball lands on the table.

Touch Pong Board


Can you hit the ball before it bounces in ping pong? No. In regular tennis you may “volley” the ball (hitting the ball before it bounces on your side of the net). But in table tennis, this results in a point for your opponent. NOTE: When your opponent hits a ball that sails over your end of the table without touching it and then hits you or your paddle, that is still your point.


If you hit the ball in a rally or on a serve and it bounces back over the net after hitting your opponent’s side of the table (due to extreme spin), without your opponent touching it, that is your point.

10. touching the ball with your paddle hand is allowed

What happens if the ball hits your finger or hand during a ping pong rally? If the ball touches your PADDLE hand and otherwise results in a legal hit, there is no rule violation and play shall continue as normal. Your paddle hand includes all fingers and hand area below the wrist. But what if the ball touches a player’s body anywhere else during a ping pong rally? You may not touch the table with your non-paddle hand for any reason. It will result in a point for your opponent. BUT if your opponent’s hit sails over your side of the table without touching it, and hits any part of you or your paddle, that is still your point.

11. you may not touch the table with your non-paddle hand

You may touch the ball or the table with your paddle hand (after reaching in to return a short serve, for example), or other parts of your body. NOTE: If the table moves at all from your touching it during a rally, that is your opponent’s point.

Touch Pong Ball

12. an “edge” ball bouncing off the horizontal table top surface is good

Touch Pony

An otherwise legal serve or hit may contact the top edge of the horizontal table top surface and be counted as valid, even if it bounces sidewise. The vertical sides of the table are NOT part of the legal playing surface.


If no referee is present during a match and the players disagree on a certain call, the “honor system” applies and the players should find a way to agree, or play the point over. Ping pong carries a tradition of fierce but fair play. Help us keep it that way!

For the full official rules of table tennis, visit