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Giftools Cookbook
This manual contains the documentation for DCIP octree package releases beginning on 2020-05-08. This version of the package is compatible with GIFtools v2.31 and later. If using an earlier version of GIFtools, please see the 2014-10 release manual .
This section provides a brief description of each program in the DCIP octree package. In addition, we describe the file formats for all input and supporting files used by the coding library.
3.1. Executables¶
The main executable programs within the DCIP octree program library are:
create_octree_mesh_dcip: creates an OcTree mesh based on the survey geometry
dcipoctree_fwd: used to forward model both DC and IP data
dcsensitivity: approximates the sensitivities for the DC or IP problem
sens2weights: creates sensitivity weights from sensitivities
dcoctree_inv: inverts DC data to recover a conductivity model
ipoctree_inv: inverts IP data to recover a chargeabitiliy model
The following Octree utility programs may also be helpful:
blk3cellOct: creates conductivity models on an OcTree mesh
create_weight_file: creates the weighting on each cell in the model
interface_weights: creates weights on the faces of cells
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3.2. Main Input Files¶
Here, we describe the main input files for executables contained with the DCIP octree coding package.
3.3. Supporting Files¶
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Here, we describe the formats of supporting files used to run DCIP octree executable files. The input files for each executable program are described in the running the programs section.